CNC stud welding machine V10022525 (working area: 1000 x 2250 x 250 mm)
(13/02/2024) The machine V10022525 is equipped with three automatic stud welding heads KHA-200F with integrated travel measuring system, three automatic stud feeders VBZ, three stud welding units PRO-C 1500 as well as one milling unit with exhaust device.
Besides an automatic stud feeder each welding head has a pneumatic single stud feeding with which special studs can be fed by hand. Moreover, for the processing of earth plugs and double earth plugs, that cannot be fed through a feeding tube, the machine is equipped with a pick-up-station.
Each automatic stud welding head has a fluid spraying device to secure a high welding quality.
The complete working area - as for all our CNC stud welding machines - can be reached by each welding head and the milling unit. The machine has as a robust, welded steel machine frame with twelve ceramic stop pins on the X and Y zero lines, the axes are driven through dynamic servo motors. The servo motor-driven Z-axis of 250 mm enables welding on different levels and the processing of different stud lengths without prior retooling. For an easy feeding of large and heavy metal sheets the machine is equipped with pneumatically lowerable ball casters.
For safeguarding the working area a two-sided light curtain is used so that the working area can be accessed very good and thus be loaded fast. With our operating software PRO-STUD (incl. DXF data converter) and monitor with keyboard and mouse (control PC with Windows 10) the machine can be easily handled even by unexperienced operators.
A brief description of the machine can be found here.