CNC stud welding machine V10015025 with automatic stud feeding for drawn arc studs without flange (with videos)
(06/11/2023) The machine V10015025 welds drawn arc welding studs type RD in the sizes M6, M8, M10 and M12. Studs are automatically fed with our new stud feeders RBZ.
Through deck stud welding - recent publication in the international technical press
(30/10/2023) In the current edition of the English-language international professional journal WELDING AND CUTTING an extensive article about „through deck stud welding“ (welding of shear connectors through galvanized profiled sheets) was published.
CNC stud welding machine V 10022525 (working area: 1000 x 2250 x 250 mm) (video)
(16/10/2023) The machine V 10022525 is equipped with two automatic stud welding heads KHA-200F with integrated travel measuring system, two automatic stud feeders VBZ as well as two stud welding units PRO-C 1500.
New video company presentation
(19/09/2023) The presentation provides a compact overview of our products, production sites and possibilities as well as our certifications and approvals.
Fluid spraying device for automatic stud welding heads on CNC stud welding machines
(10/08/2023) The automatic stud welding heads of our CNC stud welding machines are usually equipped with a fluid spraying device on customer request.
Tabletop stud welding machine MAS-04 – special version with two automatic welding heads for simultaneous welding
(27/06/2023) The special version of our tabletop stud welding machine MAS-04 is equipped with two automatic welding heads KHA-200F and two stud welding units PRO-C 1000 as well as with one automatic stud feeder VBZ with stud switch.