Fluid spraying device for automatic stud welding heads on CNC stud welding machines
(10/08/2023) The automatic stud welding heads of our CNC stud welding machines are usually equipped with a fluid spraying device on customer request.

Tabletop stud welding machine MAS-04 – special version with two automatic welding heads for simultaneous welding
(27/06/2023) The special version of our tabletop stud welding machine MAS-04 is equipped with two automatic welding heads KHA-200F and two stud welding units PRO-C 1000 as well as with one automatic stud feeder VBZ with stud switch.

CNC stud welding machine T1308025 (working area: 1300 x 800 x 250 mm)
(16/05/2023) The machine T1308025 is equipped with three automatic stud welding heads KHA-200F with integrated travel measuring system, three automatic stud feeders VBZ as well as three stud welding units PRO-C 1500 and one stud welding unit PRO-I 1300.

Stud welding gun GD 22 on handling arm Powerflex
(17/04/2023) The combination of the stud welding gun GD 22 with integrated travel measuring system adapted to the handling arm Powerflex with the stud welding unit PRO-I 2200 with integrated welding parameter monitoring enables the maximum possible welding quality currently possible for manual stud welding.

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015: Successful audit

Bolte shear connectors in the new construction of the Salzbachtalbrücke
(02/04/2023) At the new construction of the southern Salzbachtalbrücke of the highway A66 in Wiesbaden the fourth and thus last bridge part was pushed over the valley last tuesday.
More Articles ...
- Recent publication in the technical press
- New: automatic stud welding gun PHA-500 with integrated travel measuring system
- CNC stud welding machine V 100225 (working area: 1000 x 2250 x 250 mm) (with video)
- Bolte stud welding technology successful in research projects
- Tabletop stud welding machine MAS-04 – special version with sound insulation housing and electrical lift door